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Empty your Cups!

I grew up in a place surrounded by bamboos. There, my cousins and I spent our days playing and resting the whole day. I never recognize the usefulness of bamboos, but what I knew, they provide our place enough shades and cool breeze. As I grow in age and in wisdom, I came to understand what these bamboos can offer me. They can offer me that refreshing feeling when I am under their shades. But there is more that I can learn from them. They can convey a beautiful message as I look deeper into my life and journey.

 Bend but don't break. Be flexible yet firmly rooted.
One of the most impressive things about the bamboo in the forest is how they sway with even the slightest breeze. This gentle swaying movement with the wind is a symbol of humility. Their bodies are hard and firm and yet sway gently in the breeze while their trunks stay rooted firmly in the ground below. Their foundation is solid even though they move and sway harmoniously with the wind, never fighting against it. In time, even the strongest wind tires itself out, but the bamboo remains standing tall and still. A bend-but-don't-break or go-with-the-natural-flow attitude is one of the secrets for success whether we're talking about bamboo trees, answering tough questions in a Q&A session, or just dealing with the everyday vagaries of life.

Remember: What looks weak is strong
Bambooi2The body of a single bamboo tree is not large by any means when compared to the other much larger trees in the forest. It may not look impressive at first sight at all. But the plants endure cold winters and extremely hot summers and are sometimes the only trees left standing in the aftermath of a typhoon. They may not reach the heights of the other trees, but they are strong and stand tall in extreme weather. Bamboo is not as fragile as it may appear, not by a long shot.
We must be careful not to underestimate others or ourselves based only on old notions of what is weak and what is strong. You may not be from the biggest company or the product of the most famous school, but like the bamboo, stand tall, believe in your own strengths, and know that you are as strong as you need to be.

Find wisdom in emptiness
Bamboo_empty It is said that in order to learn, the first step is to empty ourselves of our preconceived notions. One can not fill a cup which is already full. The hollow insides of the bamboo reminds us that we are often too full of ourselves and our own conclusions; we have no space for anything else. In order to receive knowledge and wisdom from both nature and people, we have to be open to that which is new and different. When you empty your mind of your prejudices and pride and fear, you become open to the possibilities.

After all the formal educations/formations we have undergone, after all the encounters we have with different people, I still believe, there are still moments that we need to empty our cup once in a while, and in humility, accept that God is the Source of all the things we learn and acquire. In the emptiness of our minds and heart, we allow God to fill our cups once again with His wisdom and love, and allow Him to transform us in His graces.

We can learn from the things that we thought unimportant to us. But as we look intently and deeply, these things are the hidden messages of God that we discover in our life. Learn from them.

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