In today's gospel, Jesus asked His disciples to travel light when they go for their first mission. These instruction --to cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the leper, to go without cost, to take no money, staff, sandals --are meant to keep them in focus as to what they are about to do. They should not allow anything or anything to distract them in their mission to proclaim the Good News.
When I first came to Hawaii, and the people noticed that I was only carrying one big luggage and my backpack, they immediately remarked that before I finish my term in the parish, I will have another three big luggages because people will shower me with material gifts. And what they told me was indeed true because I not only gained 3 luggages, I also gained a lot of weight. From 150 lbs, I reached 180 lbs in only matter of one year. The People showered me with material gifts in every parish or personal occasion. and they made sure that I will be well-fed everyday.
Perhaps, this is what Jesus meant when He asked his disciple not to take anything in their journey. the people of God will take care of your own provisions. They will shower you with so much , more than you can imagine. But, Jesus also warned His disciples of the danger of losing our focus on what we are called to be and do. We should not lose sight on the reason why we are called and sent. we should not forget who we are, not even for moment. what is our primary commitment in life?
When I noticed that I already had a hard time carrying all those things I accumulated in my ministry for years, and transferred them from one island to another, I made the decision that every year I gather the things I seldom use, and clothes/ pants I cannot no longer wear (struggle of those that gain weight everyday) and send them home so that I can share them to my brothers and relatives. I learned the joy of giving, and at the same time, the virtue of letting go for the sake of the Good News.
But, I still need to be reminded of the message of the words of Jesus in today's gospel over and over again...I believe you too must be reminded of this..and we go deeper on the message of the gospel, let us not reflect on the material luggages/burdens, let us also include the emotional burden/luggages that we have been carrying for years that drag us down and make our lives to heavy to bear. Perhaps, It is about time to let some of these go so that we will feel lighter in our journey....Do it one day at a time!